This Program Was a God Send

Craig, a Navy veteran living in Nebraska, was a 57 year old rancher who was ready to give it up when he was referred to the Nebraska AgrAbility program by his children and someone involved with the program. 

Read more about This Program Was a God Send
Getting 'Back' on the Farm or Ranch Sunday, April 1, 2018

Back pain for farmers and ranchers is almost a given, often a topic of conversation at coffee or lunch.  In a program survey done in central Nebraska in 2012, 87-89% of ag producers asked reported some back pain, from occasional to severe.

What are the reasons?  Why are back problems so widespread among ag producers?

Read Getting 'Back' on the Farm or Ranch

Make Farming/Ranching with Arthritis Easier Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Arthritis – it’s a chronic condition that most folks know something about, but most don’t think about until it affects them or someone they live with.

Arthritis is widespread in the United States, with over 50 million doctor-diagnosed cases. It is a condition that has been seen more and more frequently among farmers and ranchers, and, in recent years, has become a debilitating condition for some. It can reduce mobility, physical strength, and the ability to complete routine tasks.

Read Make Farming/Ranching with Arthritis Easier