Occupational and physical therapists are invited to “Rehabilitating Farmers and Ranchers with Disabilities.” The day-long seminar is planned for Wednesday April 25, 2018 8:300 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. at the Nebraska Extension Gage County Office Meeting Room in Beatrice. It is sponsored by Nebraska AgrAbility, AOTA and NPTA Continuing Education Units will be awarded for the seminar.
Most do not realize it, but when a farmer or rancher is discharged from care following an injury or serious illness, he or she is not only returning home, but is also returning to an industrial work site.
Occupational therapists and assistants, physical therapists and assistants, can play an important role in preparing farmers and ranchers to return to their homes. When home includes the workplace, special considerations are needed to ensure a safe transition.
“Rehabilitating Farmers and Ranchers with Disabilities” is designed to help these health care providers become more competent in their care to the agricultural population they see on a regular basis. Christine Hutchinson, PT, DPT, will be the lead instructor for the course. She is a physical therapist at St. Francis Memorial Hospital in West Point, Nebraska with advanced certification in geriatrics and is a credentialed clinical instructor. Nebraska AgrAbility staff will also teach portions of the seminar.
Pre-registration for the seminar is required by April 18, 2018. A complete agenda and registration materials is available here or by contacting Nancy Frecks, Nebraska Extension Educator, (308) 334-5666, or nfrecks1@unl.edu.
Nebraska AgrAbility is a partnership of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension and Easter Seals Nebraska.