About AgrAbility

Serving the Needs of Nebraska’s Farm and Ranch Families Impacted by Disabilities

What is Nebraska AgrAbility?

AgrAbility services are sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and consist of a National Project and State/Regional Projects, each involving collaborative partnerships between land grant universities and various nonprofit disability services organizations to promote independence for people in agriculture who want to continue farming and ranching after experiencing a disabling condition. In Nebraska, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension partners with Easter Seals Nebraska to deliver statewide services. Our project’s goal is to provide information to farmers or farmworkers, their families on assistive technology and farm site modifications that enable people with disabilities to remain involved in production agriculture.

Why is there a need for AgrAbility?

Agriculture consistently ranks as one of the nations most dangerous occupations. Each year, agricultural workers in Nebraska experience injuries that limit their ability to perform the essential tasks of their operation.  Some agricultural workers acquire disabilities in off-the-farm incidents or through illness and health problems like heart disease or cancer.  Senior farmers often experience limitations, such as arthritis, decreased vision or hearing and loss of strength. 

Who can use Nebraska AgrAbility?

The Nebraska AgrAbility Project delivers services statewide to Nebraska farmers/ranchers with disabilities who are engaged in agriculture.  Some disabilities may be present at birth, while others may be a result of accidents, injury, illness, or age–related conditions and may include but not limited to:

  • Arthritis
  • Head or Spinal Cord injury
  • Amputation
  • Paralysis
  • Back pain or injury
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Visual or Hearing Impairment
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Repetitive Motion Injuries

If you or a family member have a disability and reside in Nebraska on a farm or ranch, and are engaged in farming, ranching or a farm-related occupation, Nebraska AgrAbility services may be a solution for you!